Managing frontline employees can be challenging, but improving supervisor-employee relationships can result in boosted morale and increased productivity. With 82% of frontline employees reporting that they’d quit their job because of a bad manager, HR employee relations are now more important than ever.
☑️ Secchi is an employee relationship management software that empowers leaders to be more connected with employees using data-driven insights. Request a demo to learn how Secchi can improve manager-employee relationships in your organization. |
Employee relations refers to the management and development of relationships between employers and employees within an organization. When employee relationships are well-managed, frontline teams experience higher job satisfaction, increased morale, and a sense of belonging.
A healthy work environment translates to higher engagement and better productivity. Employees in high-trust environments are 260% more motivated, have 41% lower rates of absenteeism, and are 50% less likely to look for another job.
Here are five ways to improve manager-employee relationships and foster better culture for frontline teams ⬇️
The first days and weeks in a new job set the tone for the employee’s experience at your organization. A well-structured onboarding process equips employees with the necessary skills and knowledge. Moreover, it fosters a sense of belonging and engagement.
☑️ When supervisors invest time and energy in a smooth onboarding experience, employees feel valued and supported. This helps establish trust and build positive relationships from the very beginning. |
Research shows the importance of an effective onboarding process for employee engagement and success. Research shows that great employee onboarding can improve retention by 82% and new hire productivity by 70%.
In the fast-paced environment of the frontline, communication between employees and leaders can often get jumbled. Busy schedules, technological barriers, and high turnover rates can make it difficult for leaders to communicate effectively with their team members.
Enhancing communication between supervisors and employees improves worker productivity. It also positively impacts company culture and establishes trust, understanding, and mutual respect between employees and frontline management.
☑️ When supervisors actively engage in transparent communication, employees feel valued and acknowledged. This leads to better job satisfaction and a higher sense of belonging. |
→ Secchi empowers leaders to instantly connect and engage the frontline workforce with a text messaging feature.
Frequent feedback is one of the most effective ways to motivate workers and improve the employee-employer relationship. In fast-paced settings, immediate and constructive feedback gives employees an opportunity to continuously improve and feel more accomplished.
Giving frequent feedback is not only about encouraging improvement. It’s also about giving consistent recognition and helping your employees feel valued. Employees who feel that they have supportive supervisors who recognize their contributions are 67% more engaged, according to SurveyMonkey.
☑️ Recognizing high achievers, showing your team that you value their hard work, and simply saying “thank you” on a regular basis helps employees feel closer to their supervisors. This leads to a more harmonious and productive working relationship. |
Supervisors who are confident and knowledgeable are more likely to inspire trust and motivate their team members. As supervisors become more skilled, they are better equipped to handle challenges, provide feedback, and take targeted actions to drive positive change.
Many frontline supervisors are first-time managers who have to navigate the unique challenges of the post-pandemic economy. They are eager to improve their skills and become better leaders but often lack the necessary support and resources. In fact, 81% of frontline leaders report not being satisfied with their own performance.
☑️ If you want your supervisors to be better at managing frontline employees, it’s essential to help them become better leaders. Provide them with regular career development opportunities, such as training. It’s also important to equip them with effective tools to manage employee relationships like Secchi. |
It’s not unusual for frontline workers to feel that their voices are overlooked. In fact, one in four employees report not being heard in their workplace. The same study shows that only one out of every three frontline employees feel that they can freely express their views and suggestions with their manager. As a result, relationships between employees and managers can become strained.
Fostering a company culture that encourages open conversations helps workers feel closer to the management and reduces misunderstandings and conflict. Your work environment should make your employees feel comfortable to voice their thoughts, concerns, and ideas. Employees who feel heard and valued are more engaged and motivated, which leads to higher productivity.
☑️ When employees know they can openly discuss problems and propose solutions, it not only strengthens their bond with their supervisor but also encourages them to take ownership of the organization’s goals. |
When workers don’t feel connected to the organization as a whole, they’re less likely to have a good relationship with their supervisor. The disconnect between management and employees is striking, with almost 50% of employees saying that they don’t have a clear sense of their company’s direction and 75% feeling out of the loop.
☑️ Regular communication, involving your employees in decision-making processes, and meaningful team-building activities can create a sense of belonging and deepen their relationships with their managers. |
It’s much easier to prevent employee relations issues than it is to resolve them. Instead of waiting for problems to arise, supervisors should actively seek opportunities to engage with team members, provide regular feedback, and offer support.
✅ To be proactive when managing employee relations, frontline leaders need data that allows them to identify behavior patterns and make strategic decisions. |
At Secchi, we understand how difficult it can be to drive employee engagement and foster the right organizational culture. This is why our frictionless employee relationship management software takes a data-driven approach and enables frontline leaders to be proactive and responsive.
Request a demo to learn how Secchi can drive positive change across your organization.
With Secchi, leaders across your entire organization have access to turn-by-turn leadership directions and actionable data that guides them on how to engage their teams through recognition, coaching, engagement, and accountability.
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